There are several interesting facts about the Great Wall of China for kids to learn. Did you know, The Great Wall of China, originally built for military purposes, stands witness to more than 2000 years of historical legacy? It is the world’s largest human-made structure stretching more than 10 miles. This post presents several interesting facts about the Great Wall of China for kids to learn, such as how it came into existence, its glorious past, and what makes it count among the most visited tourist destinations globally.

1. How long is the Great Wall of China?

The total length of the Great Wall is 21,196 kilometers, which is about 13,171 miles or 834,514,560 inches.

2. How tall is the Great Wall of China?

The average height of the Great Wall of China is 6-7 meters (20-23 feet).

3. What is the tallest point on the Great Wall of China?

The tallest section of the Great Wall is 14 meters (46 feet) from the ground.

4. How wide is the Great Wall of China?

The average width of the top walking area of the Great Wall is 4-5 meters (13-16 feet).

5. When was the Great Wall of China built?

The construction of the Great Wall is said to have begun somewhere around 700 BC. Different dynasties expanded the wall through their reign. The combined age of the Great Wall is 2,300 years.

6. Why was the Great Wall of China built?

The Great Wall of China was built for military purposes. The insurmountable wall made it nearly impossible for invaders to penetrate the heartland of China. Great Wall is not a single wall, but a series of disjointed walls built by different rulers for defense. The wall built during the reign of the Ming dynasty is the most grandiose. The Ming dynasty wall is the one that has significantly stayed intact and is the most popular spot for tourists.

7. How many years did it take to build the Great Wall of China?

Several dynasties built, re-built, and expanded on the existing sections of the Great Wall over a period spanning 2000 years, to give the wall its current form.

8. How many people built the Great Wall of China?

In its 2,000 years of history, at least a million workers are said to have worked on making the Great Wall.

9. Who built the Great Wall of China?

The person who is mostly credited for commissioning the Great Wall is emperor Qin Shi Huang of the Qin dynasty. He built the wall to protect the kingdom from the nomadic invaders from the north. It is speculated though, that the walls could be older than Qin dynasty, and built by unknown rulers. Qin probably was the first who rebuilt and unified the walls to make them stronger.

10. How many rulers made the Great Wall?

The Qin, Han, Wei, Qi, Sui, Liao, Jin, and the Ming dynasties did significant work on the Great Wall.

11. Which ruler built most of the Great Wall?

The rulers of the Ming dynasty built most of the visible and popular sections of the Great Wall of China.

12. Where does the Great Wall of China start and end?

The Great Wall begins at the Jiayuguan Pass in the west and ends at the Shanhai Pass at the east. These are the start and finish points of the major Great Wall section built by the Ming dynasty.

13. When did the construction of the Great Wall of China end?

The construction stopped in the year 1644, with the fall of the Ming dynasty.

14. How many steps are there on the Great Wall of China?

There is no fixed number of the steps. The first section, “Stairway to heaven” alone has 700 steps. When one puts together the total steps found across the Great Wall, the number could be in thousands or even tens of thousands.

15. Is Great Wall of China visible from space?

No! It is a common misconception that the Great Wall is visible from the space or the moon. Some space agencies and astronauts have claimed that the Great Wall is visible from an altitude of 160-320 km (100-200 miles). However, not many have been able to see the wall with the naked eye. Only low orbiting satellites with high-sensitivity cameras have been able to capture the images of the Great Wall.

More Amazing Facts About The Great Wall Of China

title: “45 Interesting Great Wall Of China Facts For Kids” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-18” author: “Walter Carr”

There are several interesting facts about the Great Wall of China for kids to learn. Did you know, The Great Wall of China, originally built for military purposes, stands witness to more than 2000 years of historical legacy? It is the world’s largest human-made structure stretching more than 10 miles. This post presents several interesting facts about the Great Wall of China for kids to learn, such as how it came into existence, its glorious past, and what makes it count among the most visited tourist destinations globally.

1. How long is the Great Wall of China?

The total length of the Great Wall is 21,196 kilometers, which is about 13,171 miles or 834,514,560 inches.

2. How tall is the Great Wall of China?

The average height of the Great Wall of China is 6-7 meters (20-23 feet).

3. What is the tallest point on the Great Wall of China?

The tallest section of the Great Wall is 14 meters (46 feet) from the ground.

4. How wide is the Great Wall of China?

The average width of the top walking area of the Great Wall is 4-5 meters (13-16 feet).

5. When was the Great Wall of China built?

The construction of the Great Wall is said to have begun somewhere around 700 BC. Different dynasties expanded the wall through their reign. The combined age of the Great Wall is 2,300 years.

6. Why was the Great Wall of China built?

The Great Wall of China was built for military purposes. The insurmountable wall made it nearly impossible for invaders to penetrate the heartland of China. Great Wall is not a single wall, but a series of disjointed walls built by different rulers for defense. The wall built during the reign of the Ming dynasty is the most grandiose. The Ming dynasty wall is the one that has significantly stayed intact and is the most popular spot for tourists.

7. How many years did it take to build the Great Wall of China?

Several dynasties built, re-built, and expanded on the existing sections of the Great Wall over a period spanning 2000 years, to give the wall its current form.

8. How many people built the Great Wall of China?

In its 2,000 years of history, at least a million workers are said to have worked on making the Great Wall.

9. Who built the Great Wall of China?

The person who is mostly credited for commissioning the Great Wall is emperor Qin Shi Huang of the Qin dynasty. He built the wall to protect the kingdom from the nomadic invaders from the north. It is speculated though, that the walls could be older than Qin dynasty, and built by unknown rulers. Qin probably was the first who rebuilt and unified the walls to make them stronger.

10. How many rulers made the Great Wall?

The Qin, Han, Wei, Qi, Sui, Liao, Jin, and the Ming dynasties did significant work on the Great Wall.

11. Which ruler built most of the Great Wall?

The rulers of the Ming dynasty built most of the visible and popular sections of the Great Wall of China.

12. Where does the Great Wall of China start and end?

The Great Wall begins at the Jiayuguan Pass in the west and ends at the Shanhai Pass at the east. These are the start and finish points of the major Great Wall section built by the Ming dynasty.

13. When did the construction of the Great Wall of China end?

The construction stopped in the year 1644, with the fall of the Ming dynasty.

14. How many steps are there on the Great Wall of China?

There is no fixed number of the steps. The first section, “Stairway to heaven” alone has 700 steps. When one puts together the total steps found across the Great Wall, the number could be in thousands or even tens of thousands.

15. Is Great Wall of China visible from space?

No! It is a common misconception that the Great Wall is visible from the space or the moon. Some space agencies and astronauts have claimed that the Great Wall is visible from an altitude of 160-320 km (100-200 miles). However, not many have been able to see the wall with the naked eye. Only low orbiting satellites with high-sensitivity cameras have been able to capture the images of the Great Wall.

More Amazing Facts About The Great Wall Of China