Dry fruits for kids are the perfect way to provide them with multiple vitamins, minerals, and good fatty acids. The nutritional content of dry fruits aids in the physical and mental development of children. However, some children may find it difficult to chew dry fruits. In such cases, you can grind them to a fine powder and serve it as is or mixed in a health drink. Additionally, this step would help you avoid any choking hazards. Read this post to learn more about the health benefits of dry fruits and what nutrients they may add to your child’s diet.

Different Dry Fruits Beneficial For Your Kid’s Health

There are different types of dry fruits available in the market. Some of them taste sweet while some have a nutty flavor. Here are some dry fruits you can safely add to your kid’s meal plans:

Almonds: The dry fruit is a rich source of dietary fiber, magnesium, iron, and calcium. It contains a high proportion of monounsaturated fats that help to lower the blood cholesterol levels and prevent potential cardiovascular problems. Almonds are also rich in protein and can boost your kid’s growth during these crucial years. The healthy nuts will keep your kid’s tummy full and prevent him from snacking on junk food. It will also help to keep the threat of childhood obesity at bay. The vitamin E in these tasty nuts can also give your kid a radiant skin (1)

Raisins: These are essentially the sun-dried form of grapes. The high sugar content in raisins can take care of the energy requirements and hunger pangs of your hyperactive kid. Raisins are a storehouse of minerals like Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron, Copper, and Manganese. Consuming this tangy dry fruit on a regular basis can help prevent anemia and protect your growing kid’s bone health (2). Walnuts: The crunchy and delicious dry fruit contains a high proportion of essential omega 3 fatty acids, which help fight LDL and boost the cardiac health of your kid. It also helps prevent metabolic disorders like diabetes and cancer. Walnut termed as ‘brain food’ is helpful in safeguarding the brain development of your kid. It is a must-have for your kid as it is a rich source of Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and folic acid. It also contains minerals like manganese, copper, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, calcium, and potassium (3). Cashews: These delicious nuts are replete with essential nutrients like manganese, copper, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. Adding it to your kid’s diet will ensure he has strong and healthy bones.

Health Benefits Of Dry Fruits For Kids

Eating nuts can boost your kid’s health in the following ways:
