A successful relationship should be emotionally fulfilling and bring happiness to your life. But, if it is not, you must look for the signs of toxic relationship. A relationship becomes toxic when it makes you unhappy, and everything you do feels like a burden. Sometimes, couples may be ignorant of a toxic relationship that they are in. In addition, the occasional love moments that the couple may have, make such relationships difficult to identify. A toxic relationship can drain you emotionally, and thus, you must interpret the signs and take the necessary steps. Continue reading this post to understand the manifestations of a toxic relationship and what you can do about it.

What Is A Toxic Relationship?

Before we dive into the signs of a toxic relationship, let’s first try to understand what a toxic relationship is. The term ‘toxic relationship’ was coined by Lillian Glass, a California-based communication and psychology expert in her 1995 book Toxic People. She defines a toxic relationship as, “Any relationship [between people who] don’t support each other, where there’s conflict and one seeks to undermine the other, where there’s competition, where there’s disrespect and a lack of cohesiveness.” (1).

Signs Of A Toxic Relationship

At one moment, you think your partner loves you more than anything, but the next moment, you feel you just assumed the love that was never there. You sometimes regret getting into this relationship, as it seems difficult to keep up with your partner. If you can relate to this, read on as we help you identify the signs of a toxic relationship.

1. Lack of trust

Your every move is questioned, and your opinions do not matter. Such things stem due to a lack of mutual trust. When your partner doesn’t trust you, they will get down to micromanaging everything. This might leave you suffocated and exhausted. Trust is the foundation for any healthy relationship, and if that is lacking in your relationship, it will turn toxic.

2. Communication issues

In a healthy relationship, both partners treat each other with mutual respect and kindness and communicate. But, if your conversations are filled with sarcasm, snide comments, and insults, it could be a sign of a toxic relationship. Although all couples have fights, they do not lose respect and love for each other. However, couples in a toxic relationship fight so fiercely that they end up without talking to each other for days.

3. Lack of support

In a toxic relationship, you will feel there is no support from your partner both emotionally and physically. Whenever you bring up something that is causing you pain, they brush it off as nothing. Sometimes, they also use phrases such as “It’s all in your mind.” “You are just overreacting.” or “You need to change.”

4. Jealousy

When in a relationship, one partner’s win is another partner’s joy, and there should not be any jealousy between them. However, in a toxic relationship, you might find your partner often demeaning your achievements.

5. Regret

When you decided to get into a relationship with your partner, you might have thought it through. In a toxic relationship, the lack of trust and support may make you regret that decision. No matter how much you try, you cannot help but think, “I wish I had never said yes.” If you can’t stop regretting your choices, it could be because you are in a toxic relationship.

6. Disrespect

Respecting each other is a sure-shot sign of a healthy relationship. However, in a toxic relationship, you will find your partner questioning and disrespecting you and your life choices.

7. Stress

A toxic relationship takes a toll on your mental health. It makes you feel you need to put in all your energy to make it work. If you are constantly stressed and lost in thought about your relationship, you might be in a toxic relationship.

8. Dishonesty

When in a relationship, you should be able to share anything and everything with each other. If either of you finds excuses and lies to hide your whereabouts from each other, you lack trust, which is a sign of a toxic relationship.

9. Hatred

This should not exist in a relationship, but if you are dealing with a toxic relationship, all the negative feelings may pile up and cause hatred towards each other. If you both yell or do things to hurt the other person, you need to reevaluate your relationship.

10. Lack of self-care

A toxic relationship may cause the partners to lose themselves. It will end up draining you, and you may find yourself withdrawing from your hobbies, ignoring your health, and even forgetting to laugh.

11. Sadness

It is ok to feel sad occasionally, but if you constantly feel sad and depressed, and your partner only seems to be adding up to your misery, it is a sign of a toxic relationship.

12. Personality alteration

It is sensible to let go of certain negative traits for the sake of the relationship. However, if the relationship forces you to let go of your beliefs, change your opinions, and change everything about you to keep your partner happy, the relationship is toxic.

13. Unworthiness

The constant blaming and demeaning behavior of your partner may leave you feeling useless and unworthy. In a toxic relationship, your partner will constantly disapprove of what you do and make you feel you aren’t doing enough.

14. Trapped

If your relationship suffocates you and makes you want to leave everything and run away, it is a sign of a toxic relationship. You will no longer look forward to the future but constantly think about how you are stuck in life.

15. Always giving

An ideal relationship is one where you give as well as receive. It not only teaches you new things, but also gives you a fresh perspective on life. In a toxic relationship, you will only be giving and trying to make your partner happy—all at the cost of your happiness.

16. Lost relationships

A toxic relationship can be so overwhelming that you tend to ignore your friends and family in keeping up with it. If you have stopped spending time with your friends and family to avoid conflict, then that is a sign of a toxic relationship.

17. Hope for a miracle

Working out a toxic relationship does not happen overnight, and if you lack the proper guidance and support, you might be filling a pot with a hole. This will leave you hopeless and tiresome. So, you give up working towards mending the relationship and keep praying for a miracle to set things right.

18. Concerned near and dear ones

Your close circle knows you best. They can sense any disturbance in you. If your family or close friends notice any signs of disturbance in you or enquire about your relationship, it could be a subtle sign that you are in a toxic relationship.

19. Separate lives

While it does not mean you cannot have a life out of the relationship, if you or your partner is designing a world out of the relationship and wishes to be away from each other, it is not a good sign.

20. Lack of appreciation

It could be a successful attempt at baking an upside-down cake or a promotion at work, every win is a win. When in a relationship, your heart naturally longs for appreciation from your partner. However, there is no mutual appreciation in a toxic relationship, and your partner may also criticize your achievements.

21. Uncertainty

When in a relationship, you tend to have peace of mind and many dreams about the future. But, when you are in a toxic relationship, you are never sure about your partner. You don’t know where the relationship is heading and where you stand with your partner. Such uncertainty will leave you worried about the future.

22. Controlling

There is no mutual trust in a toxic relationship, and one partner will end up controlling the other. If you feel your partner is running your life for you and is calling all the shots, you are dealing with a toxic relationship.

23. Selfishness

A toxic person will always want things their way. They wouldn’t want to compromise anyhow. You will often find yourself adjusting to their schedules and needs and ignoring your own well-being and happiness.

24. No emotional connection

In a healthy relationship, both partners share more than their lives. They share each other’s aspirations, dreams, and embarrassing secrets and share an intimate emotional connection between them. But, in a toxic relationship, there is no such emotional bonding.

25. Manipulation

One prominent sign of a toxic relationship is manipulation. If you often find yourself debating between what you see and what your partner is showing you, you are being manipulated. You may also often hear phrases such as ‘I didn’t mean to hurt you,’ and ‘Stop overreacting.’

26. Restrictions

A healthy relationship is a safe place where you can be yourself without any filters or restrictions. However, in a toxic relationship, you cannot be yourself as you constantly work to be someone your partner likes. You also tend to filter information to avoid upsetting them.

27. Lack of empathy

If you are upset or hurt, a toxic partner may not empathize or be there for you because they just do not see things from your perspective. If you find yourself begging for empathy and kindness from your partner, then that is a sign of a toxic relationship.

28. Demanding

A toxic partner demands and asks for more than what they bring into the relationship. They expect you to be the perfect partner doing everything for them while they sit back and relax. They do not reciprocate and act like they are entitled to your love and attention.

29. Comparison

‘Why can’t you be like my friend’s wife?’ If you often find your partner comparing you with others and not respecting your uniqueness, that is a clear sign of a toxic relationship. A toxic partner will never try to know your worth as they will be busy calculating how well you can become the person they envision

30. Clash of priorities

A relationship works only when both partners prioritize it and pledge to put the relationship above everything else. But, in a toxic relationship, one partner might prioritize their wants and needs over the relationship. For example, going on a fishing trip with friends might seem a better idea to them than attending your friend’s wedding.

31. Blame game

If you find your partner blaming others for their mistakes, or if they feel they are always perfect, chances are they might be toxic. A healthy relationship is one where both partners are not afraid to admit their mistakes and apologize.

32. Excuses for bad behavior

In most unhealthy relationships, one partner will be hurt, but they cannot express it as it might lead to a conflict. So, the person ends up making excuses for their bad behavior. This is one of the toxic traits that might affect you the most, as you wouldn’t understand how to deal with your partner who refuses to acknowledge their behavior.

33. Mockery

“Toxic is when they can’t let you go, but can’t treat you right either.” If your partner constantly hurts your self-esteem and makes fun of you in front of their friends, then they may be toxic. When you protest and draw a line, they immediately apologize and temporarily set things right, but that would be short-lived too.

34. Silent treatment

Another negative trait of a toxic relationship is silent treatment or stonewalling. A toxic partner will not listen to you when you try to explain something that bothers you. They might even walk out, act unresponsive, and stop talking to you.

35. Emptiness

Each partner has specific needs in a relationship; it could be a true connection, affection, love, or appreciation. In a toxic relationship, your needs will be mocked or ignored, and your attempts at communicating your feelings will end up in conflicts, leaving you empty and rejected.

36. Keeping score

To err is human, to forgive divine. However, both the partners in a toxic relationship keep scores of how many blunders the other person has made. Instead of correcting each other’s behavior, they end up criticizing or blaming each other.

37. Unending conflicts

Every relationship has its share of issues, but the fights never seem to stop in a toxic relationship. Both the partners feel they are right and fixate on their opinions. As none of them are ready to budge, the fight leads to an argument. The constant fights diminish the little love between them, and all that is left is hatred and bitterness.

38. Lots of lies

The many suppressed negative feelings and the lack of trust make the partners in a toxic relationship resort to telling lies. This makes each other suspicious of the other person’s every move. If you are slowly turning into an insecure, jealous, and doubtful person, the chances are you are in a toxic relationship.

39. My way or the highway

In a healthy relationship, both the partners are equal, and they discuss and weigh the pros and cons when making a big decision. But, in a toxic relationship, one partner takes over and makes decisions for both. They wouldn’t bother to discuss or hear out their partner’s feelings and opinions.

How To Fix A Toxic Relationship

Being in a toxic relationship can be draining and exhausting. You may feel trapped and see no way to resolve the fights. But, all toxic relationships need not end bitterly because some can be revived and saved. Here are a few ways you can attempt to make your relationship healthy.

Have an open discussion. You might have had such discussions often, but now, attempt it in front of a trusted friend or a therapist. If both of you agree to make changes and commit to your word, then things might turn around.

Stop blaming and start accepting. A quick way to resolve conflicts in a toxic relationship is by accepting your mistakes and not blaming each other.

Stop bringing up the past. Often, you will be tempted to bring up the past and seek an explanation. Stop bringing up the past and focus on the problem at hand.

Practice compassion. Another way to stop the toxicity is by understanding your partner and looking at things from their perspective.

There is no sure-shot way to reverse the toxicity, as each relationship is unique. However, the determination to make the relationship work and the love you have for each other can make your relationship healthy.

How To Get Out Of A Toxic Relationship

Despite trying everything, if things do not seem to improve, it is best to talk to a trusted friend or a family member and move out of the relationship. It may not be wise to continue in a relationship that makes your life a living hell. Whether you decide to leave the relationship or mend it, it is important to surround yourself with positivity. Remember, once you start loving yourself, you can love others. Practice self-love by doing things that make you happy. It could be spending time with the people you love, treating yourself to your favorite meal, or picking up a new hobby. Dealing with a toxic relationship is extremely stressful, so it is important to replace the negative vibes with positive ones.
