Most often, facts about space for kids are like being in a dreamy wonderland. Human beings of all age groups have been drawn to the stars and are fascinated by the objects in outer space. Gazing at the night sky can help you see the bright stars, the silvery moon, bright planets, and probably even the starry band of our galaxy, the milky way. The interest of human beings in studying and exploring space is not limited to just knowing the unknown but also discovering the universe and galaxies. Human beings’ interest in space has expanded scientific knowledge. The launching of the International Space Station, the first moon landing, the Mars Exploration Rovers, and the Hubble space telescope are some of the early achievements of mankind in space exploration. Read this post as we bring answers to the common questions asked by kids — what is space? How big is it? What are the different objects in the space? and many more.

Information About Space For Kids

Our Earth is surrounded by the atmosphere, which is nothing but layers of gases surrounding the planet. The region where the shell of air around the Earth disappears is called outer space. The outer space is approximately 100km above the Earth’s surface (1). As there is no air in space, there is no scattering of the sunlight to give it any color. Therefore, space appears dark. Contrary to popular belief, space is not empty. Space between the planets and stars is filled with huge amounts of gas molecules and dust. Space is filled with all types of radiations, including ultraviolet and infrared radiations, cosmic rays, and high energy X-rays and gamma rays emitted by the Sun and other star systems (1). 

30 Space Facts For Kids

Let us learn some fun facts about space. ( (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20), (21), (22), (23), (24), (25)) Illustration: MomJunction Design Team
