You may be fascinated by the adorable child models with bright eyes, chubby cheeks, and a cute smile in commercials or magazines, and think about how to get your baby into modeling. Your cute little cherub may give you perfect shots in photos, making you eager to showcase their talent to the world. However, you may be unsure about taking your baby for modeling. If you want to know more on this topic, read on as we discuss what baby modeling involves, ways to approach it, and why some parents may not support the idea.

Is Modeling Fit For Your Baby?

There are many criteria you should consider for getting your baby in the competitive world of modeling.

Age: Your baby should be an infant. The appropriate age of your baby could be between three months and two years.

Friendliness: Most babies are friendly with family and friends but remain uncomfortable with strangers. Your baby should be fine with being held by a stranger. Casting agencies will usually look for babies who have a happy and friendly character.

Behavior: It is a known fact that it is hard to make your baby stay still while changing diapers. Your baby should not behave cranky during the shoot that goes for hours. Photographers will work only if your baby has the right temperament.

Availability: You should have enough time to take your baby to shoots and auditions. It does not work if you are a busy parent.

How to Get Your Baby Into Modeling?

There are various ways to get your baby noticed by casting agencies and professional photographers or ad agencies. Parents may consider the following three-step process to get their baby into modeling.

1. Get a set of professional photographs of the baby

A casting director will check the submitted pictures and decide if they can invite the baby for the audition. The baby’s pictures will play a significant role in convincing the director. Therefore, you should take great pictures to improve the chances of your baby being chosen. Here is how you can take professional pictures from the comfort of your home.

Choose a neutral background. Do not keep any toys or colorful things around as they can deflect the attention away from the baby.

Costumes and elaborate dressing can hide your baby’s actual looks. A simple and clear photo of your baby with casual clothing will suffice.

Use a camera that does not pixelate or blur the picture. Take the picture in natural light or under some good lighting in the house. The baby should be entirely covered in the frame.

Do not use any filters as they can make the picture look obscure and silly.

The baby has to smile, and it should make you grin. You may also consider the picture in which your baby looks photogenic, like curious, solemn, or thoughtful. Any pose that makes you go “aww” could help.

Take several shots and pick the perfect photograph to send it to modeling agencies.

2. Finding casting calls or auditions

There are different ways to sign up a baby for modeling. However, with the advent of social media and online platforms, you can easily find the tools.

Baby modeling contests: Many companies and brands organize or sponsor events or contests to discover fresh baby models. You can see them posting publicly on social media and websites. You may even discover casting calls through an internet search. You can then submit your baby’s picture in the contest, and ask your family and friends to vote, so that the baby could gain popularity.

Open casting calls: Use Google to find the casting call groups near your location, join the related groups, and follow casting directors of your area. Though it might take time, you are not spending any money on it and can get a handle on finding the best gigs. This would help you apply whenever there is an opportunity.

The agency way: There are baby modeling agencies that accept pictures directly. Find an agency, search if it has an office in your area, and read the reviews. If you are satisfied with all the aspects of the agency, then you can get in touch with them.

Pick the method that you trust and think would work for you. Keep an eye out for scams or fraudulent agencies or individuals who pose as casting directors.

3. Applying for modeling

Try applying to as many gigs as possible. Competition is fierce in this industry. Do not give up or hesitate to apply to the contests or agencies. Many parents would be doing it and keep in mind that agencies may receive stacks of submissions each day. Be patient and continue sending pictures until you get an appointment. Your first or second applications may get rejected. But this is not the end. Agencies even consider parents’ flexibility, professionalism, and attitude when deciding to hire the baby for a modeling project. You would be asked to bring the baby for an audition. If the baby is selected, the agency will enter into a contract with the parents.

How Much Does A Baby Model Make?

Depending on the client’s requirements and the scope of work, your baby may get multiple modeling opportunities from the agencies. The pay varies depending on the opportunity. Usually, the hourly rates vary between $25 and 75, and may even go up to $125. All the money your baby model earns will be credited to their bank account. Agencies will also require you to apply for a tax file number, and you should also provide tax file declaration forms. You also need to secure works permits for your baby. The modeling agency will send you the license or contract once they cast your baby for a job or project. Do not consider the payment as the only criteria to accept a modeling contract. Look at it as a fun adventure or a hobby for you and the baby. Baby modeling may not command the same pay scale as modeling by grown-ups. Therefore, be prepared to not receive exorbitant payment. Save whatever you earn for the baby’s future endeavors, such as education.

Why Do Some Parents Not Like The Idea Of Baby Modeling?

Some parents may see baby modeling as an intrusion on a child’s harmonic growth. They do not like the idea of earning money by sacrificing their baby’s innocence. Also, the long hours they dedicate during the shoot might affect the baby’s health. It may also affect a child’s mental and emotional health if the modeling career continues with age. Before you decide to jump-start your baby’s modeling career, think if you can put in time and dedication into the project. You have to attend the photoshoots, maintain the baby’s portfolio, and supervise the baby in the studio.