Now that your three-month-old, it is time to introduce them to learning activities for a 3-month-old baby. This is the stage where the baby begins to develop her play, along with experiencing changes in her sleeping and feeding patterns. It will help if you try to understand their likes and dislikes. You have to be careful with every step that you might come across. If you are not aware of what activities will help them, we have covered them here. Check the list of activities that are guaranteed to help your little one develop strength and grow healthily.

3 Month Old Baby Development Activities

Your baby can now hold up her head steadily and hold herself easily at 45 degree when on her tummy. You can try holding her on her feet and put her in different positions. Play all the fun activities for 3 month old baby that will help her muscles gain strength.

1. Your Baby Has Now Discovered Her Hands:

She has discovered she has hands that can be used for so many things. Here is what she tries doing with her hands:

You can see her having fun with her fingers. Put the fingers in her mouth to suck them. Bring both hands together and clasp. She will soon start touching objects and hold things only if you put them in her grasp. She won’t be able to reach out for objects so soon. She will realize she can make noise with them. This is the time when she starts understanding the relation between cause and effect. This usually comes a little later. You can place a mirror in front of her and give her a prop. She will keep looking at her own reflection. You can see her smiling back at her reflection. Mirror play generally appears at around six months of age.

2. Your Baby’s Senses Are Developing:

The vision and hearing abilities of your baby are developing at this stage. You can notice the following developments in her:

She can now turn her head and smile hearing your voice. She will enjoy listening to music. She will love gazing at bright color toys. Faces of the 3 months old are absolutely fascinating. She will keep gazing at her own reflection in a crib mirror.

3. Communication Skills Of Your Baby Develops At This Stage:

This is one interesting activities to do with 3 month old baby. She has now started to relate to the world around her. Here is how your baby communicates now:

She now gives smiles and smiling is a pleasure for her. Crying is no more her primary way of communicating. The baby will still primarily cry when hungry or sleepy. A 3 months old baby does not cry more than an hour a day. You need to visit a doctor in case her crying exceeds the normal limits. She is now making vowel sounds like “ah” “oh” and coos rather than crying. You can now engage in conversations with her and narrate stories. She will start making sounds and make her own gestures.

Help Your Darling During Development Stage

You need to keep in mind each baby is unique in her own way. You should not force your baby if you find developmental delays. If you are in doubt, have a talk with your doctor and raise your concerns. Here is what you can do:

Follow a development tracker to check the milestones she has attained. There are online checkers available for your convenience. Remember, if the baby is preterm, developmental milestones may be expected to develop a little later than term babies. It is always better to ask your doctor if there are any concerns about development of your baby. Organize your to-do list. This way you can know what you need to do. Look for the medical concerns for babies of this age. Spend time with your baby and look at things around you from a completely different perspective.

Singing a favorite tune Tickling lightly Gently massaging their toes and feet Reading books in a calming tone Pretending to hide a toy and find it again Playing soothing music or lullabies

Providing nurturing and positive environment at home Responding in a warm and loving tone Encouraging fun activities, such as reading, singing, and talking Playing games, such as peek-a-boo Making eye contact and smiling Breastfeeding for at least six months Letting them interact with different people Helping them explore the environment outside and inside the house Getting their health checkups regularly Not giving them screen time
