How Many Months Pregnant Are You At 29 Weeks?

At 29 weeks, you enter the seventh month and the third trimester of pregnancy.

How Big Is Your Baby This Week?

This week, your baby is as big as a butternut squash (1). The baby measures 15.5-16in (38.6-40cm) in length and weighs 2.5-3lb (1.15-1.3kg) (2).

Baby Development This Week

Here is how the baby develops this week: Fetal movement and position: By this week, your baby is very active and starts to kick a lot. However, the frequency may start decreasing due to reduced space inside, which makes it difficult for the baby to make movements. The baby may also attain a head-down position or a breech position this week. In the case of breech position, there is still time for the baby to move to the optimal position for birth.

What Symptoms Do You Experience In The 29th Week Of Pregnancy?

Some symptoms of pregnancy you might experience this week include:

Weight gain: An average weight gain of one to two pounds per week during the third trimester of pregnancy is considered safe, as recommended by the American Pregnancy Association (APA) (8). However, in case of women who have BMI less than 18.5 and greater than 24.9, the recommended weight gain rates usually range in between 0.5 to one pound.

Headaches: The hormonal changes and stress can cause an occasional headache.

Lightheadedness: The pressure that the growing uterus exerts on the blood vessels can restrict the blood flow to some parts of the brain, which causes lightheadedness or dizziness.

Shortness of breath: As the enlarged uterus pushes the diaphragm up, it causes breathing difficulty.

Backache: The extra pressure exerted by the baby’s weight on the lower back causes a backache. In the case of multiple pregnancies, women may feel more pressure on their back.

Hemorrhoids: The uterus puts pressure on the blood vessels in the rectal and vaginal area, which causes the veins to swell up. Hemorrhoids can be sometimes painful.

Constipation: The progesterone hormone relaxes the digestive tract, which slows down the digestion process and retains the food longer in the tract.

Heartburn: The growing uterus pushes the gastric juices upward into the esophagus, causing heartburn.

Frequent urination: The growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which increases the urge to urinate.

Trouble sleeping and migraines: The aches, anxiety, and urge to urinate frequently deprive you of a sound sleep. Sometimes, blinding headaches like migraine hit. 

Pregnancy brain: Forgetfulness is quite common this week.

Changes in nails: The hormonal changes can cause brittle nails or hasten their growth.

Edema: Water retention in the body causes swelling of the face and feet.

Hot flashes: A shift in the body temperature makes you feel hotter. Image: Shutterstock

Varicose vein: Increase in the blood flow to the lower parts of the body causes swelling of the veins in the legs.

You will also notice physical and emotional changes as the pregnancy progresses.

Changes In The Body At 29 Weeks

Physical changes

An enlarged and itchy belly Enlarged breasts Darker and bigger areola Stretch marks Brittle nails

Emotional changes

Anxiety Mood swings

This week, you are a little closer to full term and at risk of preterm labor. More about it next.

Your OB/GYN Visit

The preliminary tests this week include:

Weight check Blood pressure Symphysis fundal height Check fetal heart sound Urine test to check for sugar and protein An ultrasound is done in the case of multiple pregnancies or high-risk pregnancy to track the baby’s growth.

Proper care at home is necessary to stay healthy and minimize the chances of preterm labor.

Tips For Mom-to-be

Do not stand for a long time. Count of the baby’s kicks. Lie down and feel the kicks. If you don’t feel them, then munch on some sweet snacks, urinate, count in the left lateral position. The sugar rush can make the baby move. Stay hydrated. Give your body enough rest. Stay calm and relaxed. Eat healthy, home-cooked food. Have smaller meals at regular intervals. Eat fiber-rich foods including fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread, breakfast cereals, bran, and prunes. Do not lift heavy objects. Do not take medications without the doctor’s prescription. In the case of hemorrhoids, apply hazel witch cold compresses on the affected area for comfort. Take your supplements. Complete two doses of tetanus toxoids in between 17-35 weeks Take childbirth classes to learn about labor positions and different pain relief techniques. Engage in exercises such as walking. Practicing Kegel exercises will help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Wear loose and comfortable clothes.

Seek your partner’s support as and when you need at this time.

Tips For Dad-to-be

Accompany you during the prenatal visits. Create a happy environment at home. Join you in workouts. Help you with household chores. Plan an outing for you. Stay patient with your mood swings and try to understand what you are going through. Go for maternal shopping. Start looking for baby names.
