It can be challenging to keep your children entertained at times. In such situations, age-specific activities, such as activities for 10-year-olds, can be beneficial. If you have a 10-year-old child, you know they are going through a transformation phase. They no longer find games for younger children appealing, yet they are not old enough to enjoy activities designed for older children. However, they are also enthusiastic and want to try different activities. Introducing children to new and exciting activities can also assist them in reaching their developmental goals and keep them occupied. This post brings you a collection of activities to motivate your child to try and practice daily.

28 Activities And Games For 10-year-olds

Educational and Learning Activities

Keep your ten-year-old engrossed through learning activities that exercise cognitive abilities and are also fun at the same time.

1. UNO

The classic game lets your child understand different strategies, thereby improving their critical thinking skills. It also allows them to have social interaction with friends and family and improves their communication skills. Another interesting variation of UNO is UNO Attack, which is an exciting option for their mental development.

2. Spelling game

Word games or spelling games help a child develop basic literacy skills. They can spend quality time with friends and family and challenge each other to see who spells the words right. You can get flashcards or alphabet props to make it an exciting activity.

3. Calculator hopscotch

Physical exercises such as jumping, hopping, and running around are suitable for children. According to the Centers for Disease Control And Prevention (CDC), indulging in regular physical activity can help build strong bones and muscles and improve overall health (1). Hopscotch is one such physical activity that can promote health and some fun learning. It can improve your ten-year-old’s math and academic performance through adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying. For instance, ask them, “what is eight divided by two?” and let them jump on that number box. You can give a bonus, such as candies or extra points if they do well.

4. Mapping quiz

Ten-year-old children can improve their knowledge of geography by using maps. You can get map posters and stick them in your child’s room. Give them a quiz related to different countries and continents, and ask them to label them on the map. You can have further discussions about a country or place to expand your child’s knowledge.

5. Captions and fun

Play a fun and educational game that involves captioning pictures. They can be of your family or any random photos from the magazines or the Internet. It can be one of the best games for intellectual development.

6. Reading activity

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), books can help you start a conversation with your children and help instill good values in them (2). Reading books can also improve a child’s imagination as they start visualizing the characters and the setting. Furthermore, it can build their vocabulary. To make this activity fun and exciting, you can conduct a quiz with your child after they complete a book. It can be an oral or a written quiz. Ensure to reward them for encouragement.

DIY Activities

Do-it-yourself projects are a form of self-expression. They are cost-effective and have potential benefits for ten-year-old children. Involvement in DIY projects could boost creativity, improve concentration, and sharpen problem-solving skills.

7. Making jewelry or accessories

Fire your children’s imagination by asking them to use paper, colors, beads, and anything they have to make colorful and pretty jewelry. Encourage your children to make rings, necklaces, or bracelets for friends and family. They can even watch videos online and read tips on the Internet for more ideas.

8. Collage

A collage is a combination of different pictures to make unique visual art. It is a simple activity that your child can try by using photographs, paper cuttings, fabrics, or any other item. A collage piece created by the child can make a great gift for their loved ones. The activity can help children develop their creative thinking ability.

9. Race track

Children like playing with their Hot Wheels and remote-controlled cars. Let them make a track for their vehicles and put them in challenging races. They can enjoy an updated version of their existing car games by creating new tracks. You could encourage them to come up with innovative ideas to play the game.

10. Science experiments

Several science experiments can be explained to children through DIY activities. For instance, they can use a plastic bag to make a toy parachute, use eggs in saltwater to know if they float or sink, or use a balloon and check its amplifying sound. However, make sure you are supervising them in every experiment.

11. Recycling

Teaching your ten-year-old about recycling waste products can lay the groundwork for understanding the importance of preserving nature. You can teach them how to use plastic bottles or jars for planting saplings or for storage. Also, let them understand how plastic is toxic for the natural environment. Encourage them to recycle plastic items by using them in their DIY crafts.

12. Animal masks

Making animal masks is easy and super fun. They require colorful papers, glue, and a pair of scissors. Let them use glitters, feathers, and other accessories too. They can wear bright and creative masks and have a fun party game with their friends, too. It is a fun-filled activity for mental development as children think, imagine, and experiment with colors and accessories.

Indoor Activities

Ten-year-olds can get bored when stuck at home. They would laze around without doing anything. We have a few indoor activities that can make them feel energetic even on dull days.

13. Family talent show

Let your child organize a talent show at home and be the host of the night. Every member of the family can showcase any of their talents, be it silly or impressive. It is a delightful way to spend quality time with family and kill boredom. You can ask your child to invite any neighborhood friends, too. Encourage your children to use all of their imagination and skills. You never know which of their talents can have a great scope.

14. Musical instrument

Why not practice playing an instrument? Exposing your child to music at the age of ten can be beneficial in many ways. Playing a musical instrument helps them understand different sounds. Music even helps in strengthening memory skills. There are free online classes and videos available that your child can watch and learn to play an instrument of their choice.

15. Email and chat

Ten-year-old children have access to computers and smartphones these days. You can guide them to use these devices to improve their social skills. Help them create an email ID. They can email family members and send them greetings for the day. It is a satisfying way to bond with family members who stay far away and make your child use technology the right way. Caution needs to be taken when doing this. It is important not to get them addicted to screens from such a young age. You can also limit their screen time.

16. Planting flowers and vegetables

Teaching the basics of gardening and allowing your ten-year-old child to plant flowers and take care of them is one of the positive indoor activities. It helps children understand the importance of nature in our lives. You can help them plant flowers, vegetables, and herbs at home and let them take charge of caring for them.

17. Board games

Playing board games is one of the best indoor activities that you can enjoy with friends or family members. Scrabble, Sequence card game, Clue, Crazy Eights, Monopoly, HedBanz, and Catan are a few popular games that they can enjoy. Playing such games can help improve their strategic thinking and critical thinking skills.

18. Create puzzles

You must have heard about solving puzzles. But do you know to create them and challenge everyone? It is an exciting indoor activity that your ten-year-old will enjoy. It motivates them to research, design, and develop a puzzle theme and questions as per their intellectual level. For instance, they can develop a set of questions or a maze puzzle based on Disney characters or any Math or Science chapter they recently learned.

Outdoor Activities

Spending time outside the classroom and house is essential for the healthy development of ten-year-old children. Motivate your children to go outside where there is no confinement. We have a few outdoor activities here for your children to breathe some fresh air.

19. Skating or skateboarding

Skating can be a relaxing and exhilarating activity. It helps you work on your skating skills and, at the same time, lets you spend time with your friends. Skating or skateboarding is an excellent form of physical exercise and even lets the child explore their neighborhood. According to AAP, children between six and ten years should skate under adult supervision (3).

20. Backyard camping

You may not allow your ten-year-old child to go camping. But let them set a camp in the backyard during summer or spring for a sleepover with friends. The activity gives them a taste of camping and prepares them for real camping and adventure activities. It helps them bond with friends and also gives them a little space away from family.

21. Funfair

Children can feel fresh when they visit a high-spirited funfair. They can run around, participate in activities, such as a puppet play or a talent show, play games, and enjoy the rides. They can relish delicacies, such as candies or pretzels, too. You can let your child enjoy an assortment of fun-filled activities at a fair.

22. Historic place

Take your child to a museum or any historical site in your town and make them feel proud of our history. Taking a tour of such a place, inspecting different aspects, and asking questions can be a unique learning experience.

23. Ball games

Children can play plenty of ball games in the yard, in the neighborhood, or nearby park. Dodgeball, football, volleyball, passing the ball through obstacles, catch and run, and hit the ball are a few easy and fun ball games that your kid can play. Such games are suitable for physical exercise.

24. Swimming

Swimming is an exciting activity for kids. You can take your children to the pool in your neighborhood or a community center swimming pool and have fun. It is also good for the muscles, reduces stress, and keeps you healthy and fit.

Art And Craft Activities

A ten-year-old child may have a lot in their heads, and art and craft activities provide them an outlet for their thoughts. Such projects also bring out their creativity, develop hand-eye coordination, and improve fine motor skills.

25. Painting

Using different colors stimulates your child’s brain and boosts their creativity skills. Get water paints, acrylic paints, or oil-based paints and let your child use their imagination and come up with innovative crafts. You can ask your children to paint cards or make colorful paintings to gift them to your loved ones.

26. Wall decorations

Children can use paper, colors, glitters, and accessories to make vibrant wall decorations. It is a pleasurable art and craft activity that you can engage your child to create something pretty. Let them surf the Internet for tips and tricks and implement them in the crafts.

27. 3D sculptures

3D crafts can be a joyful activity. The child can use cardboard, paper, toothpicks, tape, and colors to make houses, animals, birds, flowers, and other exciting elements. After making the 3D sculptures, they can be combined with a thread and used as a hanging object for decoration.

28. T-shirt art

Painting and printing on the t-shirts can be an exciting activity for a ten-year-old. Allow them to use their old t-shirts and fabric paints, and come up with attractive and appealing results. Let them try one, and they would love to do more.