The ancient Egyptian pyramids for Kids are an interesting source to teach your child about the history and architecture of Egypt. These pyramids are one of the oldest structures still standing today. They attract tourists from all over the world. Their massive size, shape, and stories of pharaohs and mummies have plenty of mysteries revolving around them. With many chambers and secret doorways, it’s a magnificent place to visit and an experience. Sure to leave you awestruck and thrilled. If your child happens to be curious and you want to introduce them to the Egyptian pyramids, we have interesting facts about this medieval wonder of the world. Read along to explore more about these majestic structures.

Fun Facts About The Egyptian Pyramids For Kids

There are many pyramid structures around the world, but none of them comes close to being as popular as the Egyptian pyramids. Keep reading for more interesting facts about the Pyramids in Egypt.

Interesting Information About The Pyramids In Egypt

Want to tell your kid all about the mysterious pyramids? Here are the top ten interesting information to begin with.

15. What Is The Egyptian Pyramid?

They are pyramid-shaped structures built in medieval Egypt. Early Egyptian civilizations had resources only to build Mastabas, which resemble the base of the pyramid. These were built for the highest-ranking officials in the administration. The civilizations after that built the step pyramid, which was considered to enable the ancestors to move up towards the heaven easily. The pyramids that came after the step pyramids had smoother slopes with pointy peaks.

16. Who Built The Egyptian Pyramids?

The pharaohs had the pyramids built in a designated area on the western bank of the Nile. A common belief is that the slaves, mostly from poor countries in the then Africa, were used to build the pyramids. But archaeological finds say that most of the pyramids were built by people living in that region. People in towns and cities around the Nile were hired as laborers to complete the construction of these stunning structures.

17. Why Did They Build The Egyptian Pyramids?

They were built as monumental tombs for kings and their consorts. The Pharaoh’s body was buried inside the pyramid, along with treasures, food, and other accessories that people believed their leader would need to succeed in the afterlife. The shape of the pyramid, with a wider base and pointy peak, is to help the Pharaoh’s soul move to heaven easily.

18. When Were The Egyptian Pyramids Built?

The Step Pyramid of Djoser is believed to be the first pyramid ever built. It was constructed somewhere around the 27th century BC. The first smooth pyramid was a tomb for King Snerfu, built near Gaza between 2680 and 2560 BC. Most pyramids were built between 2575 and 2150 BC, during the Old Kingdom period. These pyramids are all near the River Nile.

19. How Were The Egyptian Pyramids Built?

The pyramids are built entirely from huge stones, some weighing as much as 70 tons. It is believed that the laborers would bring stones from distant quarries via boats along the Nile and then drag the stones to the construction site using wheeled wooden sleds. But how the stones were dragged to stack them on one another is still a mystery to architects and historians. It is, however, understood that a lot of planning was involved in building the pyramids because of the density of the stones and the design of the structure. The stones had to be of a specific shape and size and had to be cut to specific measurements to fit and stay on top of each other without falling or sliding down. Experts also believe that mortar was used to keep the stones in place. Almost all the pyramids that exist today are solid structures that can withstand the toughest of weather conditions. Al-Aziz Uthman, a Kurdish leader, tried to destroy the pyramids. He started with the smallest pyramid, the Pyramid of Menkaure, but gave up after finding that the task was extremely expensive and difficult.

20. How Long Did It Take To Build The Egyptian Pyramids?

Historians guess that the pyramids were built slowly, one stone at a time. It is estimated that it took 20,000 workers around 23 years to build the Great Pyramid of Giza. All the pyramids that exist today are believed to have been built over centuries, somewhere between 2670 and 664 BC, which is over 2000 years for building less than 150 pyramids!

21. Which Is The largest Egyptian Pyramid?

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid in the world. Also known as the Pyramid of Khufu, the Great Pyramid is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and perhaps the only one still standing. It is estimated that more than 2.3 million stones were used to build the pyramid, with each stone weighing anywhere between two and 30 tons, while a few weighed as much as 70 tons. The Khufu Pyramid has three chambers including the king’s and the queen’s chambers. It is the only pyramid in the world to have air shafts. Also, this pyramid has no hieroglyphics or carvings by the original builders. If this pyramid had to be built all over again today, it would cost a whopping $5 billion, according to Jean-Pierre Houdin, a French architect and author of the book Khufu: The Secrets Behind the Building of the Great Pyramid. It would take around five years to complete construction with 2000 workers and several modern machines like helicopters, cranes, and bulldozers.

22. How Big Are The Egyptian Pyramids?

The Egyptian pyramids are massive structures that can go above 100 meters. Not all the Egyptian pyramids have the same dimensions. The Great Pyramid spreads over an area of 13.3 acres and is 137 meters (449 feet) tall. Each side of the pyramid is more than five acres.

23. How Tall Are The Egyptian Pyramids?

The largest Egyptian pyramid is half as tall as the Eiffel Tower, at 137 meters, and weighs around 16 times the Empire State Building. The smallest pyramid is 65 meters tall, which is taller than the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and has a volume of 235,183 cubic meters.

24. How Many Pyramids Are There In Egypt?

As of 2008, 118 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt.

Bonus Fact!

Researchers have recently discovered that the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza is not actually a square and is a little lopsided! (3) The construction was not as perfect as we thought now, is it? What is the most interesting thing about the Egyptian Pyramids that appeals to you and your kids? Share your thoughts in our comments section.