Falling in love is a beautiful feeling, and entering into a new relationship makes your life all exciting once again. You spend your days and nights thinking about your partner, and everything around you looks more beautiful to you. You lose track of time and find yourself daydreaming throughout the day. You also wait eagerly for their texts and calls. However, one can also get a little more insecure and start doubting themselves in the initial days of a new relationship. The initial excitement can also prevent you from thinking straight and land you in trouble. So, read through this post to know the dos and don’ts of starting a new relationship.

25 Dos And Don’ts Of Starting A New Relationship

Relationship anxiety is real, but these tips will help you become your best self in the relationship. Read on.

1. Don’t bring up your fears

One of the things that many people tend to do when they start dating someone new is starting to spill their relationship fears and anxieties right from the start. Sharing your past relationship experiences with your current partner will make them feel overwhelmed. Keep the conversations short and sweet, and definitely do not overshare.

2. Don’t compare them

At the start of the relationship, you might feel tempted to point out the shortcomings they might have, but don’t do that because it may hurt them. You also should not bring up your past relationships and start comparing them with your current relationship because your significant other may feel insecure and jealous. They also may think you have not moved on from your past relationship.

3. Don’t be clingy

The start of a new relationship is exciting. You always want to be with your boo, and when you are not with them, you feel like calling or texting to ask every minuscule detail about their life. First of all, you have to calm down and give them space to breathe. You do not want to overwhelm them since you have plenty of time in the future to discuss everything you want.

4. Don’t ignore the “birds and bees” talk

If you and your partner are in a sexual relationship, practicing safe sex is important. It would be ideal to have an open conversation about your anxieties and likings in bed with your partner. This way, you both can be more intimate with one another.

5. Don’t be afraid to try out new things

If your partner wants to try out new things and you don’t want to, try giving it a chance, you might end up liking it. Being open to new things is always a great way to experience new things. Plus, you both might just end up discovering something that you enjoy partaking in together.

6. Don’t feel pressured to get intimate with your partner too soon

Pop culture and TV shows might make you feel that intimacy is the key to a long-lasting relationship. But do not feel pressured to get between the sheets at the beginning of your relationship, and your partner should not pressure you either. Only do that when you feel comfortable with your significant other.

7. Don’t keep your boundaries up

You might be afraid of showing too many emotions to your partner, but that will just show what an honest person you are. Vulnerability is difficult right at the beginning of a new relationship, but you have to trust the process. You might have gotten hurt before. However, you have taken the leap of faith and come into this relationship. So trust the person and take one little step at a time.

8. Don’t pester them about their ex

The “ex-talk” is something that many people tend to avoid and for a good reason too. If your partner had a bad breakup, do not keep prying into their past by asking them how their relationship with their ex was. Give them time, and slowly but surely, they will open up. Bombarding them with such questions will make them feel emotionally exhausted.

9. Don’t forget your friends

It’s all well and good when you make plans with your partner to spend time with them, but you also need some time to take care of yourself. Don’t make your partner the center of your life right from the start; you also want to give time to your family and friends.

10. Don’t make future plans right away

Instead of planning your future with them, ask them what their goals and future plans are. They might want to move at a slower pace and take one step at a time. You will have plenty of time to discuss that later on. For now, enjoy your newfound love with your bae.

11. Don’t have high expectations

When you are in a new relationship, it might feel like your partner is someone right out of a fairytale with their perfectly charming self and sweet personality. Having your head above the clouds is not good, at least not at the beginning of a relationship. It will take time for you to understand if they are ‘the one’. Instead, be patient and see where the relationship takes you to.

12. Don’t be jealous

Being protective towards your significant other is nice, but when that gives way to borderline possessiveness and jealousy, it is a red flag and may cause trouble in your relationship. The relationship should be based on mutual trust, understanding, and commitment. No good ever comes out of jealousy and mistrust.

13. Don’t glorify them

There are a lot of layers to a person that only unveils with time. The more you spend time with them, you get to see each of their shades. It is easy to be enraptured and bedazzled by your newfound love and their irresistible personality. But it is important not to glorify and worship them as you will only be let down since they are human. No one is inherently better than or less than any other.

14. Don’t lose your space

When you spend every waking moment with your newfound bae, it is often easy to lose your sense of self. Having a 9 to 5 job, working out, taking out some time to see your family and friends, going out on dates with your partner can all become too much. Therefore it is important to spend some time by yourself and indulge in activities you enjoy doing alone.

15. Do plan your dates differently

Instead of going out to a movie or a dinner date, try and plan something different every time. That way, you both get to try out new things and make your bond stronger. Plan a picnic date if it’s summer, take a walk on the beach during sunset, go hiking together. There are many varieties you can incorporate when planning your dates.

16. Do appreciate them

Appreciate the qualities that you like in them. No matter how small of a complement it might seem, appreciating them will show them how much you like and value them. This creates a solid foundation for your relationship.

17. Do sort out your priorities

When you are in a relationship, it is important to sort out your priorities right from the start. For instance, if your partner wants to spend time with you after a busy work week and you end up taking a rain check most of the time, they will get annoyed. If you are serious about the relationship, plan dates that will help both of you spend time together. Make sure such arrangements create a “win-win” for the both of you.

18. Do keep an eye out for the red flags

Sometimes, new relationships overwhelm you to the point of losing your senses that most people overlook the red flags in their relationships. For instance, if your partner gets too possessive about you and starts controlling you, you might think they are doing that out of love. But it can only make things complicated and toxic. Make sure you speak to your friends and family about this because they are not overwhelmed by the newness of the relationship and are able to think more logically.

19. Do respect yourself

Oprah Winfrey once said, “Only make decisions that support your self-image, self-esteem, and self-worth.” Respecting yourself is important. If you do not respect yourself, how do you expect other people to respect you? Moreover, you must observe how your partner treats other people. If they are disrespectful towards them, the chances are, they will eventually be disrespectful towards you.

20. Do be honest about what you want

Sometimes you might feel that conveying your emotional needs might annoy them. But, when you do share your wants and needs, they know what they signed up for when they decided to be in a relationship with you. So don’t be afraid to tell your partner what you need from them.

21. Do enjoy the present

The start of a new relationship can be quite exciting. So, enjoy the good feeling till it lasts and feeds your curiosity. That way, you and your significant other can enjoy each moment in the best manner possible.

22. Do be humble

Being with your partner, you might feel the need to constantly brag about yourself so that they hold you in high regard, but in all honesty, you do not have to do that. Your partner chose to be with you because they like you. Humility is a virtue, and when you are humble, your partner will appreciate that about you. When you are truly confident, your partner will know and you won’t feel the need to brag.

23. Do reciprocate the gestures of your partner

If your partner is the one who is constantly calling you or texting you, or planning dates, then you too have to put in some effort. If they are the ones who take the initiative all the time, after some time, they will feel like they are being taken for granted. If you mirror their sweet gestures and actions, they will appreciate it and know the feeling is mutual.

24. Do consider your past relationships as a life lesson

If you have had past relationships that did not work out for whatever reasons, take those as a lesson and move on. Learn from mistakes and be a better version of yourself so that your new relationship starts with a strong base.

25. Do remember to communicate

Miscommunication is the culprit that ruins most relationships. One of the tips while starting a new relationship is to make sure you communicate properly with your partner. If you are annoyed or upset about something, be open about it without criticizing your partner. Your partner will understand you and where you are coming from when you convey your feelings to them.