During the early months, your baby’s growth trajectory may appear quite remarkable. Thus, when you observe your 22-month-old’s developmental milestones, you’ll notice that your baby has learned so much in a short time. By this time, your child may have developed eating preferences and may now throw tantrums. At 22 months, babies begin to transform into toddlers who are curious to explore their surroundings. This article delves into the developmental milestones – cognitive, physical, social, and emotional – that most children attain at 22 months of age and some helpful advice to help you support their growth and development.

22-Month-Old Development Chart

22-Month-Old Developmental Milestones

We have categorized the developmental milestones under three categories:

Cognitive Developmental Milestones

These milestones for 22 month old pertain to intelligence, rationality and decision-making capabilities. The cognitive skills depend on physical development because the baby needs physical strength to reach his intellectual goals.

Physical Developmental Milestones

These are the key improvements you will see in the physical development of your 22-month old. Now, when he is talking and walking, he would need people around him to talk and listen.

Social And Emotional Developmental Milestones

Your baby might not be keen to meet or talk to strangers. In fact, he may still cling on to you when he is amidst less-familiar people. However, he will learn to socialize and smile at familiar faces. He will express his emotions.

10 Tips To Improve The Development Of Your 22-Month-Old

Here are some tips that can help you nurture the development of your toddler.