Gastrointestinal illnesses are a common cause of dehydration in teens. This is a condition when the amount of water lost from our body is more than water intake (1). Mild dehydration may not be a problem. But, severe dehydration can affect normal physiological function in our body. Diarrhea, vomiting, and excess sweating can cause water loss. It is important to rehydrate the teen when they are losing water from the body to avoid dehydration. However, moderate to severe dehydration may require medical care and intravenous (IV) fluids to maintain the hydration status. Read on to know the reasons, symptoms, signs, tests, and treatment for dehydration in teens and tips to prevent it.

Signs And Symptoms Of Dehydration In Teens

The signs and symptoms associated with dehydration may include (2) (3): Thirst indicates the body’s need for fluids and is often an early sign of dehydration. If left untreated, dehydration may affect organ functions such as kidney filtration, brain functions, etc.

When To Call The Doctor?          

Teenagers with mild dehydration may get better after drinking sufficient amounts of water. However, severe dehydration with dizziness, oliguria, or other symptoms may require hospitalization. If your teen has severe vomiting and diarrhea, then you may seek medical care before it leads to dehydration. If your child is unable to eat or drink, then seek medical attention even if they have mild dehydration.

Causes Of Dehydration In Teens

Any condition that causes fluid loss from the body can result in dehydration if the lost water is not replenished on time. The following are the common causes for fluid loss and dehydration.

Physiological functions of the body, such as sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, and polyuria (excess urination).

Gastroenteritis, which is the inflammation of the digestive tract caused by stomach viruses, such as rotavirus or norovirus, and bacteria. These stomach bugs may cause diarrhea and vomiting that result in fluid and electrolyte loss from the body. Hesitation to eat or drink during gastrointestinal illness may increase the risk for severe dehydration (4).

Fever can cause dehydration due to sweating, and sore throat may lead to dehydration from low water intake due to swallowing difficulties.

Sports and exercise in hot climates could result in dehydration due to sweating, especially if your teen has poor water intake. It is important to replace fluids and electrolytes lost during activities, to prevent dehydration (2).

There are certain factors that can exacerbate the possibility of a teen getting dehydrated.

Risk Factors Of Dehydration

There is an increased risk of dehydration among teens experiencing the following conditions or situations (5).

Diarrhea and vomiting for more than a day High fever Major burn injuries Kidney problems Chronic illnesses, such as diabetes Athletic activities and playing a lot of sport Poor water intake in a hot and humid climate Certain medications

Diagnosis Of Dehydration In Teens

Physical examination helps in identifying dehydration. Abnormal skin turgor (wrinkling of the skin due to dehydration), low blood pressure, and abnormal patterns of breathing are important but late signs of dehydration. At the stage where breathing and blood pressure is affected, then urgent hospital care is needed. The following tests are usually ordered if your teen has dehydration (6).

Blood tests to determine the amount of electrolyte loss and kidney function

Urine gravity tests

Your teen’s doctor may order additional examination based on symptoms.

Treating Dehydration In Teenagers

Treatment of dehydration involves the replacement of lost electrolytes and fluids, known as rehydration therapy. The following are a couple of ways in which dehydration in teens is treated.

Mild dehydration is often treated with oral fluids such as oral rehydration solution (ORS).

Intravenous (IV) therapy is required for severe cases. The quantity of intravenous fluids and electrolytes is calculated based on the loss and requirement. IV fluid administration is done until your teen is able to take the required amount of oral fluids.

Even if your child is given oral rehydration therapy (ORT), it may not be sufficient in the case of severe diarrhea or vomiting. So the doctor may keep an eye on the child’s hydration status to initiate the rehydration process with IV fluids if needed (7).

Home Remedies For Dehydration Symptoms In Teens

You may try some home methods of hydration if your teen has vomiting or diarrhea before they become dehydrated. Mild dehydration can be managed with the intake of more fluids.

Water helps restore the lost fluids, but not lost electrolytes. Oral rehydration solutions can be given to replace fluids and electrolytes (body salts). Hydralyte, Pedialyte, Gastrolyte, and Repalyte are a few examples of oral rehydration solutions. You may purchase them from a local pharmacy and give it to your teen as per doctors’ recommendations (8).

If your teen refuses to drink plain water, then you may give them diluted apple juice, diluted lemonade, popsicles, and icy chips, which are all sources of fluids.

If the teen is experiencing excessive fluid loss, then they should not consume caffeinated drinks, concentrated fruit juices, sports or energy drinks, and sugary drinks. These beverages are not recommended for rehydration therapies. Caffeine may cause water loss due to its diuretic effects and may worsen dehydration (2).

Complications Of Dehydration In Teens

If rehydration is not achieved on time, severe dehydration may result in the following complications (8).

Cardiac injury Kidney injury and kidney failure Seizures due to electrolyte imbalance Hypovolemic shock due to low volume of blood

Less amount of fluid in the blood could result in hypotension (low blood pressure) and impact oxygen supply to the tissues, known as hypovolemic shock. This is a medical emergency and can be fatal if not treated on time.

Tips To Prevent Dehydration In Teens

The following steps may help prevent dehydration in teens.

Drinking sufficient water is the best way to prevent dehydration. You may ask your teen to consume more water on hot days and if they sweat a lot.

Daily intake of two liters or eight to ten glasses of water is recommended for anyone above 13 years of age (9).

Drinking water before and after, as well as at regular intervals during a sports activity can help your teen to replace the fluid loss from sweat.

If you live in a hot or humid environment, then doing sports and exercise in the morning or evening hours may help reduce the risk of dehydration.

If your teen is active in sports, then the best rehydrating fluids are water and oral rehydration solutions. Sports drinks are not recommended to avoid dehydration since most of them have a high sugar content that worsens dehydration. The rule in sports, especially in warm climates and endurance sports, is to alway have water available and to drink to thirst. The athlete can drink when thirsty as not enough fluids are a problem and causes dehydration, but forcing a certain amount of fluids in a short period of time can also cause problems.
