You have just got into a relationship and want to know more about them. Playing ‘This or that’ questions will help you with the knowing. This game is a delightful way to have fun with your partner and get to know each other better. When you have been together for some time or are in a long-distance relationship, things might start to become banal, and boredom might start to creep in. You can use this game to spruce things up and rekindle your romance. But how do you come up with the questions for the game? We have got you covered. Plunge into this post for a list of interesting and funny questions that will help you ascertain how well you and your love know one another.

How To Play?

You need to give two options, and your partner has to choose one. They cannot answer saying ‘both’ or ‘none.’ Remember, the idea of the game is to have an enjoyable time. Keep these tips in mind when asking or answering ‘this or that’ questions.

Do not ask highly personal or sensitive questions.

In case your partner is hesitant to answer a question, don’t push them. Instead, move ahead and ask a funny question.

If any topic interests you both, you can have a discussion. But do not argue or debate and spoil your mood.

You can skip a question if you don’t want to answer. That’s completely alright.

Random ‘This Or That’ Questions

Here are some random questions you may ask your date or partner. You could even talk more on topics that you both are interested in and engage in meaningful conversations.

Funny ‘This Or That’ Questions

“He who laughs, lasts! — Mary Pettibone Poole These funny or icebreaker ‘this or that’ questions can add humor to your conversations. Use these silly ideas or come up with your own to have a good time.

Hard ‘This Or That’ Questions

If you are enjoying your time with your date and want to have engaging discussions about personality or life, these thoughtful ‘this or that’ questions would help you know each other’s opinions. We hope you have picked questions that you may want to ask your crush or date. If you are meeting them for the first time, ask simple and funny questions. However, if you are playing the game with your partner and want to know more about their lifestyle or personality, asking hard questions would be ideal. We hope you have a good time.