As babies grow, you need to keep adapting to their development. For example, at two months, babies may start responding to sounds, recognize voices, seem interested in their hands and feet, try to grab objects, and make cooing or gurgling sounds. These adorable developmental milestones may want you to know more about effective ways of 2 months baby care to ensure their safety and all-round growth. In addition, babies usually need to be fed more frequently, sleep longer, and cry more at this age. Therefore, you need to identify these growth phases and avoid being extra worried for your little one. In this post, we share a list of useful tips to help you take good care of your 2-month-old.

2 Month Baby Care Tips

1. Fulfill Increased Feeding Requirements:

Your two-month-old baby may exhibit increasing signs of appetite and demand feedings often. Usually, infants cry when they are hungry. Try to identify their needs and feed them whenever you find them crying. If you have been breastfeeding and have been offering breast milk of only one breast, you may need to start offering both breasts to feed your infant. Your baby may also demand to feed even at night or midnight.

2. Identify And Take Care Of Sleeping Times:

In the second month, infants tend to develop longer sleep periods. Watch sleeping patterns of your growing infant. Your baby can sleep anywhere between one to three hours during the day. Also, your two-month-old may exhibit tired signs at the end of their feeds or a half an hour after their feed. Total nine to twelve hours of sleep in 24 hours is normal for a two-month-old infant. So make sure your infant gets adequate sleep (1).

3. Attend To Your Baby When She Cries:

Two-month-old babies cry a lot, which can be distressing for you. Infants cry in the second month as the nervous system tends to mature, excitement due to stimulus, overtiredness, and for attention. So, whenever your baby crying, attend your baby and give her all you attention. Cuddle her, soothe her, or take her outside to calm her. This is how you can do for a two month baby care (2).

4. Encourage Your Baby’s Development:

A two-month-old tends to develop better vision, grip and performs better hand and feet activities. Your baby tends to discover her hands and feet and keep them moving in the air. You can tie wrist rattles on your baby’s wrists and let them gaze at the color and sound of the rattle. Vision development occurs in the initial months of the birth, and you can encourage it with the help of colorful objects and soft toys (3).

5. Interact With Her:

In the second month, your baby responds to loud and sudden noises. Watch her coo and throw her hands around on hearing a loud noise. Talk with your dear little one. Speak simple words or rhyming words so that your baby will recognize them and respond to them (4).

6. Keep Your Baby Safe:

Never leave your baby on her change mat or the floor without any supervision. If you have pets at home, keep your baby away from them. Make sure your baby has soft toys, which don’t have any sharp edges. Scan the place around your baby to ensure there is no sharp and harmful object lying around (5).

7. Keep A Track Of Immunizations And Overall Health:

Make sure you get your little one vaccinated properly. Take your baby to the doctor for regular health check-ups. Also, maintain clean and tidy surroundings so that your baby won’t catch any infection. Your infant’s hygiene should be a priority (6).


They usually require 4 to 5 ounces per feed, repeated every 3 to 4 hours. They need to sleep around 15 hours a day, distributed as about 9 hours of nighttime sleep and 6 hours of daytime naps.