When speaking about the influences of media on teenagers, we may quote the well-known singer and lyricist Jim Morrison, who aptly said, “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.” Media has the capability of shaping the ideas and beliefs of the receptive brains of adolescents. Continuous media exposure has proven impacts on a teen’s physical, psychological, and social development. In this post, we tell you about the possible impacts of media on teens and share some useful tips to manage media influence on children and adolescents.

Positive Effects Of Media On Teens

Exposure to media is not always bad. Media at large can have a positive impact on teenage behavior and attitudes in the following ways (1) (2). But remember, it depends on the quality of content the child is watching. 

Negative Effects Of Media On Teens

There are several ways in which visual media and social media use can become a source of negative influence. Here are some scenarios that must be evaluated (1) (2) (3). The negative and positive effect of media on your child depends on the amount of time spent on media and how well parents regulate the child’s exposure to it.

Tips For Parents To Protect Teens From Undue Media Influence

It is essential to guide the teen on age-appropriate use of all media, including television, radio, music, video games, social media, and even the internet. It can help shield the child from undue media influence. Here are some simple steps that you could follow (7).

What people talk about or discuss on that forum Does the forum seem to encourage a specific attitude Does the forum promote contempt towards any particular ethnic group, race, or gender Does the forum promote biased or hateful behavior 

What he/she liked in the series What his/her motivation was to select a particular series What message he/she received from it What his/her expectations were from it

This activity will help your teen differentiate between reality and fantasy. It will also help your child sort facts from opinion, identify advertising, understand bias, and become aware of the misuse of statistics.  

Why he/she likes a certain public figure or celebrity Reasons for following a celebrity/public figure Specific values that interest him/her before he/she chooses to follow someone 

How Can Media Celebrities Influence Teenagers?

Celebrities are powerful influencers that have become an inevitable part of the media. Their power to influence is used to promote and advertise an idea, belief, behavior, or product. In particular, teenagers are one of the most vulnerable audiences that easily gets attracted to lifestyles, products, or behavior that celebrities promote on social media. These influences can be positive, but at times, they can be negative, as well. Thus, it is important for parents, educators, and caregivers to guide children and teenagers on responsible analysis of the content. It is crucial as most of the endorsements done by celebrities are paid.
