Albert Einstein is considered the father of modern physics. He was one of the most influential physicists of the 20th century. If you are looking for Albert Einstein facts for kids, this post is for you. To start with, he was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany. His theories about gravity, matter, light, space, and relativity have won him accolades. He was awarded the Nobel prize for physics in 1921 for his approach and explanation of the photoelectric effect. Keep reading for some more fascinating facts about Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein’s Biography For Kids

Albert Einstein was born to Jews Hermann and Pauline Einstein. His father was a salesman while his mother was a homemaker. Einstein had a younger sibling Maria “Maja,” Einstein, who was born on November 18, 1881, in Munich. It is said that young Albert had a lot of exposure to science and electronics from his father. Einstein loved maths and science but could not finish his schooling in Germany. As a child, Einstein didn’t like the way English grammar was taught to him in school.  He was not bothered about the strictness and authority. So he got expelled from school. At the age of seven, he started loving mathematics and science. When Einstein was ten years old, a much older friend gave him many books on science, mathematics, and philosophy. Later, he studied physics and maths during the final years of his education in Switzerland. After graduating in 1900, he started to work at a patent office in Switzerland despite his inclination towards learning and teaching physics. If we look at Einstein’s scientific breakthroughs, in 1905, he roused quite a controversy in the five research papers that he published. Through these papers, the people changed their perception about the Universe. The year 1921 was a memorable one for Einstein, during which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on new light properties. In another scientific paper, he presented what we call now the particular Theory of Relativity. In 1933, when Germany was under Nazi control, he left the country and settled in The United States.

Did Albert Einstein Have Children?

In 1903 he married his college friend Mileva Maric with whom he had three children, two sons and a daughter. His daughter “Lieserl” (some reports claim that her real name was not known) was born a year before their marriage in January 1902. One year after their marriage, Einstein’s first son, Hans Albert, was born, and his second son Eduard followed in 1910. Lieserl, whose existence was not known to many until recent times, was short-lived. She is believed to have died from scarlet fever when she was less than two years old. In 1986, Lieserl’s existence came to be known with the discovery of a shoebox containing 54 love letters exchanged between Einstein and Mileva from late 1897 to September 1903. Hans Albert Einstein was born on May 14, 1904. Hans was an engineer and educator by profession. He was a Hydraulic Engineering professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and is widely recognized for sediment transport research. He breathed his last on July 26, 1973, in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, U.S. Eduard Einstein, the second son of Albert and Mileva, was born in Zürich, Switzerland, on July 28, 1910. He had a fondness for music. He wanted to become a doctor but was affected by schizophrenia and had to be institutionalized several times. People believed that he was overdosed by drugs and later by electric shock treatments. When Eduard was ill, he said that he hated his father. After that, Albert never saw his son for the rest of his life. He was mostly under his mother’s care. After she died in 1948, Eduard lived in a psychiatric clinic Burghölzli in Zürich, where he died of a stroke at age 55 on October 25, 1965. In 1917, when Albert was very sick, his cousin Elsa nursed him back to health. After divorcing Mileva on February 14, 1919, he married Elsa on June 2, 1919.

Einstein’s Theory Of Relativity For Kids

Einstein proposed a unique Theory of Relativity in 1905 in his research paper, “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies,” taking physics in an astonishing new direction. Einstein had completed the General Theory of Relativity, which was completed in 1915. He considered this theory as the zenith of his life research. He was convinced about the merits of general relativity. It allowed a more precise prediction of planetary orbits around the sun, which fell short in Isaac Newton’s theory for a more extensive, refined explanation about how the gravitational forces worked. British astronomers Sir Frank Dyson and Sir Arthur Eddington affirmed Einstein’s observations during the 1919 Solar Eclipse, thus making Einstein a global science icon. According to the Theory of Relativity, both distance measurements and time measurements change near light speed. It means that as you get closer to the speed of light (nearly 300,000 kilometers per second), lengths appear to get shorter. This theory began to change the way scientists looked at things and laid the foundation for many of their modern inventions, including the nuclear bomb and nuclear energy. One such equation is E=mc2 (1). Britannica defines E=mc2 as an equation in Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity that expresses the fact that mass and energy are the same physical entity and can be changed into each other. In the equation, the increased relativistic mass (m) of the body times the speed of light squared (c2) is equal to the kinetic energy (E) of that body. The Theory of Relativity explains how time and distance might change due to the “relative” or different object and observer speed.

Facts About Albert Einstein For Kids

Here are a few facts about Albert Einstein for your kids. These facts about Einstein prove that one need not be a genius by birth. For more inspiration, let us start from his birth.

1. Einstein’s birth

Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Wurttemberg, Germany, into a Jewish family. His father, Hermann, was a salesman, and mother, Pauline Einstein, a homemaker. He had a younger sister called Maja.

2. Einstein’s Childhood

Now, these facts about Einstein might surprise you. It is tough to believe, but Einstein was very slow with his speech. He spoke his first words at the age of four, often repeating his words and sentences until 7. His grandmother thought Einstein was stupid! He wasn’t obviously gifted in his early years. It was his effort and struggle that made him a very successful person.

3. Early education

Another unbelievable fact is that Albert wasn’t fond of the Catholic school he went to when he was young. As a child, he had an aptitude and fondness for maths and science and was not impressed with the way other subjects were taught. When he was five years old, his father bought him a compass as a gift. His inquisitive mind immediately started to figure out why the needle of the compass always pointed north.

4. Self-taught scholar

Albert Einstein, at the age of 12, knew geometry and algebra. By the time he was 14, he had mastered calculus. His family moved to Milan, Italy, when he was 15. The first of Einstein’s scientific papers was written when he was 16. In 1900, he graduated in physics and maths.

5. Graduation and work front

After acquiring a degree in maths and physics in 1900 from the prestigious Polytechnic Academy of Zurich, – a Swiss city, he was unsuccessful in landing a teaching job. He took up a job at the Patent Office in Bern, where he looked and examined other inventions. Along with his regular job, he worked on his discoveries and found many important things that became the stepping stones in physics. He became the director of a new research institute in Berlin in 1914.

6. Einstein as a scientist and Nobel laureate

Einstein’s exceptional discoveries include the Theory of Special Relativity, Theory of General Relativity, Photoelectric Effect, and the Unified Field Theory. Einstein was honored with the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his “Theory of Photoelectric Effect”. His immense contribution to Physics included his Theories of General and Special Relativity that are of great importance (2).

7. Einstein’s contribution to physics

Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity led to the concept of space-time, which is the basis for understanding the universe more closely. The existence of black holes was first affirmed and explained in the Theory of General Relativity. His contribution to physics, space, and energy laid the foundation for many generations of scientists to come (3). After publishing his Theory of Relativity and predicting a solar eclipse’s effects, Einstein became very famous. According to Einstein, the way people understood gravity was wrong, and he worked on a new theory to prove it. Later he was able to test it during a solar eclipse and was proved right.

8. Einstein’s famous equation

Albert Einstein is famous for the Theory of Relativity. The equation E=mc2 is one of the most famous equations in physics. It explains the connection between energy and solid mass and proves that a tiny mass can be a considerable quantity of energy.

9. Einstein’s hobbies

When Einstein was young, he never liked the violin. But Mozart’s music at the age of 13 changed his mind. He was proficient at the piano and the violin, and played them with great passion and interest. Music was always part of his thinking process and he played masterpieces of Mozart exquisitely. He once said, ’A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?’

10. Myths about Einstein

Some people believe that Einstein was left-handed, which is not valid. Another hilarious myth is that he voluntarily chose to be a vegetarian. Still, the truth is he stopped eating meat as he suffered from acute digestive problems.

11. Moving to the USA

During World War 1, Einstein was living in Germany. Being a pacifist, he never believed in war and violence and wanted disagreements to be settled peacefully. In 1933, Einstein moved to the USA when things were escalating in Germany under its ruler Adolph Hitler. Einstein was offered U.S. citizenship and a position at the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton. In 1945, after World War II, Einstein continued to make further discoveries about heat, gravity, and relativity. He published over 300 scientific reports (4).

12. Einstein’s demise

Einstein lost his battle to an abdominal aortic aneurysm on April 18, 1955, at the age of 76.  He spent his last days in Princeton, New Jersey, U.S. (5) (6).

13. Trivia

He might have been the most fantastic mind during his time, but Einstein was very disorganized. He often forgot his appointments and to wear socks! His brain was preserved by the doctors that performed his autopsy. The brain was part of a scientific study to find the secret of Einstein’s extraordinary intelligence. The doctors were puzzled to find nothing unusual in the study. Einstein helped science a lot; his name is used to depict different things. A unit used in photochemistry, “Einstein,” is named after him. 1 Einstein unit is equal to the energy in a mole of Photons, which is roughly 6.022 x 1023 Photons. The element in the Periodic Table, Einsteinium, is named after the scientist. In slang, we sometimes call a brilliant person an “Einstein.” He was named as the person of the century by time magazine in 1999. He worked on the unified field theory till his last breath, which could not attain great success.

