The 12th week of pregnancy marks the near end of the first trimester. During this time, you will be able to visualize your baby’s fine movements via ultrasound, and the baby’s organs should be almost developed by now. So, if you want to know the progress towards the end of the first trimester, continue reading. In this post, we tell you all about it, including the changes in your body and the growth and development of your baby. We also give you some useful tips on helping you have a healthy pregnancy.

Baby Development

At 12 weeks, your baby would be about the size of a lime. This is the time when your baby starts to develop rapidly.

The major external features of the body are developed. Hair starts to grow, but can’t be seen till the end of the pregnancy Eyelids are fused Fingers and toes are developed while the nails are still developing Muscles are in the developmental stage External genitals are developed The larynx or the voice box starts to develop in the trachea Moves slightly and randomly, but the mother cannot feel the movements yet

In case the heartbeat is not detected, you don’t have to worry as you might be a week or two early. Or the baby’s position might be wrong. Your doctor would try to detect the heartbeat in the coming weeks. Continue reading to know about the bodily changes you may experience in the 12th week of pregnancy.

Body Changes At 12 Weeks

Changes that you may start noticing at this time include: In addition to these, you will experience the typical symptoms of pregnancy this week.

What Are The Symptoms At 12 Weeks Pregnancy?

You might have experienced a number of pregnancy symptoms through your first trimester. In the 12th week, you may or may not have them. Some common symptoms of pregnancy in the 12th week include: As these symptoms are common and manageable, there is no need to worry about them. Also, they tend to fade away with time. In the next section, we talk about the 12-week ultrasound scan and what it shows.

12 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound

The first ultrasound scan is usually done at 12 weeks of pregnancy and gives the first glimpse of the baby inside you. As most of the organs of the baby are formed by now, this scan provides details such as (8) (9):

Assessment of the baby’s development The age of the pregnancy, and the estimated date of delivery The heart rate of the baby If you are carrying one baby or more. It is also possible to assess if there are any congenital abnormalities Whether or not the baby is in its right place

The 12-week ultrasound takes about 20 to 30 minutes. The sonographer will apply a gel on your tummy and use a device that helps to show the black and white image of your baby on the monitor. This is a low-cost, non-invasive, and low-risk scan that gives adequate details about your baby. In case you have any doubt, feel free to ask the medical professional about it. By the end of 12 weeks, the fetus is not as vulnerable as it has been the weeks before. But care must be taken to ensure you stay healthy, and the pregnancy progresses as it should.

Things To Remember In The 12th Week Of Pregnancy
