The rebellious attitude in your teenagers may often manifest as anger. Hence, you need to know about anger management in teens to help them navigate their feelings. According to Lauren Allerhand, PsyD, a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute, anger is an important part of our emotional lives and shouldn’t be taken as a bad thing (1). However, if your child exhibits drastic mood swings or extreme anger for no apparent reason, it may be a sign of an underlying mental health condition (2). Allerhand further says that parents should work towards helping their children channel their anger into productive activity and express it in a less harmful way (1). Read this post as we tell you more about anger management in teens, including the causes and signs of anger in teenagers.

Causes Of Teenage Anger

Teenage years are marked by different physical, hormonal, and emotional changes. Hormonal changes during adolescence can feed into the mood swings experienced by most teenagers. Moreover, the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for controlling impulses, is still developing and does not develop fully until 25 to 26 years of age. Hence, your teenage child’s behavior and inability to control their emotions combined with the hormonal changes can cause them to act out in anger under certain situations (1) (3). Besides, other factors may also contribute to teenage anger. These include (3)

The feeling of being misunderstood Anxiety Mental health problems, such as depression Substance abuse Conduct disorder or antisocial behavior Being bullied or being a bully at school Hunger Stress

Signs Of Anger Issues In A Teenager

From fist and jaw clenching to engaging in dangerous activities, teenage anger can manifest in various forms. The following are some warning signs of anger you should watch out for in a teenager (4) (5).

Indulging in malicious gossips

Verbal aggression with foul language

Physical violence

Addiction or substance abuse

Hurtful speech

Indulging in risky behavior, such as bullying

Social isolation

An urge to experiment with weapons

When anger gets out of control, it can also manifest in the form of (5)

Rapid heartbeat

Increased blood pressure

Stomach ache or headache



Muscle tension

Anger Management Techniques And Tips For Teens

Here are some simple yet effective ways in which you can help your teen deal with anger issues (1) (2) (3) (4) (5). As parents, you can also teach your teens the following tips on managing anger (2) (6).

Listening to music

Meditating or taking deep breaths

Working out

Drawing or painting

Counting to 20 before blurting out
