A limerick is a five-line funny verse that follows the rhythm of AABBA. The poem’s A-lines are longer and rhyming, while the B-lines are shorter and have the same rhythmic structure. Limerick poems for kids are mostly humorous and easy to memorize, making them a popular category in children’s literature. These poems can be amusing and lively, and they’re also a great way to boost creativity and enhance language skills. If you want to teach limericks to your child to develop their imagination through poetry, our post demonstrates how to write limericks and provides a list of a few limericks for children.

How To Write Limericks For Children? 

Here are four simple steps to write funny and straightforward limericks for kids.

1. Come up with an idea

Reading limericks will give you ideas to write your poem. Also, it will help you figure out the use of rhyming words in the right way. You can even brainstorm ideas related to a recent incident that made you have fun. For instance, ‘What if we had wings?’ or ‘What if your pet could talk?’

2. Start writing the first line

Once you have an idea, you can begin penning down the first line. Writing the first line is pretty easy, as it should end with a subject. It could be a name, a place, or a thing.

3. Think of the rhyming words

Find the rhyming words to the last word of your first line. You can use a dictionary of rhyming words to find the most appropriate words to go with the subject.

4. Follow the rhythm

Weave a story in the poem or make it funny, but make sure it follows the rhythmic scheme of AABBA. The rhythm is called anapaestic. You need not go into its depth, just remember that the A-lines should have three beats, and B-lines should have two. Here’s the tone: da DUM da da DUM da da DUM da DUM da da DUM da da DUM da DUM da da DUM da DUM da da DUM da DUM da da DUM da da DUM

11+ Limerick Poems For Kids

1. A Mouse In Her Room

A mouse in her room woke Miss Doud Who was frightened and screamed very loud Then a happy thought hit her To scare off the critter She sat up in bed and just meowed.

2. There Was An Old Man Of Dumbree by Edward Lear

There was an old man of Dumbree, Who taught little owls to drink tea; For he said, ‘To eat mice, Is not proper or nice,’ That amiable Man of Dumbree.

3. A Circus Performer Named Brian

A circus performer named Brian Once smiled as he rode on a lion. They came back from the ride, But with Brian inside, And the smile on the face of the lion.

4. The Bicycling Poodle

The bicycling poodle he saw Made the cop on the beat drop his jaw; It was easy to tell That it rode rather well, Though its hand signals truly were paw.

5. Young Fellow Named Matt

6. Pirate Of Boulder

There was a bold pirate of Boulder Whose cutlass was slung from his shoulder. He’d mighty fine notions Of plundering oceans, But his mom said: “Perhaps, when you’re older.

7. Easter Bunny by Terry Hoffman

I’m in love with that soft Easter bunny, He’s so cute and sometimes funny. He delivers those eggs, On his long bouncy legs, And he sure doesn’t do it for money.

8. Star by Kaitlyn Guenther

There was once a wonderful star Who thought she would go very far Until she fell down And looked like a clown She knew she would never go far.

9. Baby Lou

10. The Man From Peru

There once was a man from Peru Who dreamt that he swallowed his shoe He woke up in fright In the mid of the night To learn that his dream has come true.

11. Friendship by Steve Mckee

12. Boisterous Joe! by Edel T. Copeland