Iron is a mineral and an essential nutrient. There are several iron-rich foods for teens that need to be included in their daily diet. Iron deficiency is one of the major causes of anemia and can lead to other problems, such as shortness of breath. In addition, there are some foods that aid in iron absorption, whereas some may interrupt the process. Read on to know more about iron, including iron-rich foods, the benefits of this nutrient, and its deficiency.

Why Is Iron Important For Teenagers?

Iron is a mineral present in certain foods in a natural form (1). Iron helps synthesize hemoglobin, which helps the red blood cells carry oxygen to different parts of the body. It is also very important for the proper functioning of your teen’s muscles and brain. Not having an iron-rich diet can lead to an iron deficiency in your teen. It could also cause anemia, especially after the onset of puberty (2).

What Is Anemia?

Hemoglobin is the protein that carries oxygen from your teen’s lungs to the various body tissues. The red blood cells in your teen’s body have iron in its hemoglobin. Iron gives the strength to hemoglobin to carry the oxygen through the blood . When your teen has a deficiency of iron, it means that her body is not able to produce enough hemoglobin. It implies that your teen has a low count of red blood cells or anemia. Anemia directly affects how your teen’s body functions.

What Are The Iron Rich Foods For Teens?

Here is a list of iron rich foods for teenagers, that you should include in their diet on a regular basis (3):

Green vegetables like spinach, green pepper, broccoli stalk, potato Lentils, beans, tofu, lima beans, chickpeas, split peas, kidney beans Meats like beef, ham, chicken liver, turkey Fish like salmon, tuna, halibut, haddock, veal Seafoods like oysters and clams Cereals fortified with iron

Pumpkin, squash or sesame seeds Wheat germ Dry fruits like walnuts, pistachios, prunes, peaches, raisins and dried apricots Rice Pasta, bread, and bagel

Points To Remember

There are certain foods that help your teen absorb iron better. On the other hand, there are a few foods that can hinder the absorption of iron. Here are a few tips that can help (3):

Ask your teen to avoid beverages such as tea or coffee after meals as it inhibits iron absorption from the digestive tract. Your teenager must avoid any calcium intake while taking an iron-rich diet. Thus, avoid dairy products and eggs with an iron-rich diet.

Increase your adolescent’s Vitamin C intake to boost her iron absorption. Foods like strawberries, broccoli, or orange juice are rich in Vitamin C.

Should I Give Iron Supplements For Teens?

If your teen is suffering from an acute iron deficiency, your doctor may recommend an iron supplement for her . He will also advise you about the dosage. Just like an iron deficiency is not good, similarly an overdose of iron causes various health hazards. It can also prove to be fatal in some cases. Give your child a balanced diet so that they can get all the vital nutrients naturally. Now you know what to include in your teen’s diet to keep the threat of anemia at bay. So, why wait? Try some healthy, iron-rich recipes to pamper your adolescent’s taste buds (3).
