The laughter of a kid can melt your heart. Children love people with a great sense of humor and are always game for sharing silly jokes with their friends. If you are looking for some puns for kids, this post is for you. Puns are short jokes where wordplay is used to add wit and suggest something funny. They trigger laughter with the use of words that sound and smell similar but have different meanings. Apart from making children laugh, puns take them to the world of multiple meanings and make learning interesting. Plunge into our post for some interesting puns that will make your kids laugh hard.

100+ Puns For Kids

Funny Puns

Thank you for Nothing. A High-five Nep-tunes No, But April May. Because it has no Body to play with At Launch time You look sharp! There is something between us, and it smells. Because they want to get a catch It’s un-be-leaf-able! Swimming trunks Eggs-tra curricular activity To have a higher education It is full of problems He feared it would byte him. Because Alice is in Wonderland Trombone A garbage truck Because they go through many levels Because he didn’t see that well

Birthday Puns

They relish the moment. Age Pop music Because they can’t be placed at the bottom Because age is just a relative thing Because everyone toasts them At the catalog A trunk filled with gifts Because cats love to Purrrrrrty! Angel food cake. Have a pawsome birthday! Happy bird-day A mice-cream You’re pretty dino-mite! Happy birthday! The ice-ing Happy birthday to ewe! Because they burn out quickly Sappy birthday! Wish you a Fin-tastic day! Because it was already stuffed Because they never give a hoot!

Food Puns

A waffle is a pancake but with abs. Give it a lemon aid Slice to meet you By using tomato paste To the Leaning Tower of Pizza A Pizzzzzzzzzza You are my true roll model. It sprinkles Cereal killer How are you peeling, my friend? The carrot-aker The Choco-late When it feels crummy Because the yogurt is cultured Because they will crack each other They saw the salad dressing. Because they don’t like fast food By cracking it up By giving it a good scare You are my butter half. Avo good day!

Book Puns

Because it builds the character A pond Orwell Because he goes through them very quickly Can I take you out? To remove its appendix Because they are surrounded by drafts By following its footnotes Because they are book-keepers Forever Jung Because it always has a good opening line They know how to run Spell check. A ghostwriter Tequila Mockingbird They are booked. Ah! She’s such a breath of fresh Eyre! The Writer’s Block As they always look at the Write side of life Read carpet for the authors I’m drawing a blank. The library Because it was unable to control its volume You get lost in it. Auto-biography

Animal Puns

An Investigator To check its website Because their horns don’t work A neigh-bor Because they take a Stable diet By pressing Paws Reptiles A Thesaurus Because they always get spotted A Gummy bear Because they have forgotten the words By watching Moo-vies The bald eagle Take the words out of its mouth. At the Hickory Dickory Dock Baaaahamas A Crook-o-dile That hit the spot! A Fry-day Of Mice and Men It’s Rufff. Answer: The North Poll