A maternity photo shoot is a beautiful way to document your pregnancy to cherish the wonderful moments later. It is the best way to preserve your pregnancy glow and your baby’s precious moments even before birth. You need to do some meticulous planning before you proceed to keep that happy glow on your face intact forever. However, that does not include you being conscious about your growing body. Read on as we provide some useful tips that make you stunning for a great maternity shoot.

Top 10 Tips For A Great Maternity Photo Shoot

Keep these tips in mind before you book your photo shoot and you are sure to have beautiful and memorable photographs:

1. Choose A Photographer Who Makes You Comfortable:

How comfortable you are during the shoot, shows in your photographs, so ensure you either know the photographer or if it’s someone new, spend time knowing him or her.

You need to be calm and comfortable posing in front of the photographer. Request for a previous maternity photo shoot photographs from the photographer. This will give you a fair idea of the photographer’s sense of style and work. Ask him for ideas and see if they match what you have in mind. See how receptive he is to try out something new with you, if he has not done it before. Always shoot in color; you can always convert the photograph in black and white during editing. Understand if he will be doing some editing on the photographs, as some images may need some touch ups.

Chalk out the plan for the photo shoot – location (home, studio, outdoors), lighting (depending on location, this will help you decide the kind of makeup to use), time allotted, number of outfit changes, a number of final photographs, if there is a hair and makeup package.

2. Timing:

Time your photo shoot around the mid of the 7th month of your pregnancy.

You and your baby bump will look plump and beautiful. The pregnancy glow will be at its best around this time. You will be free from your initial period of nausea and tiredness. Energy levels will be at an all-time high! Depending on the plan, you may end up spending a lot of time shooting, be sure to carry some snacks, because ‘Mommy and the baby need to eat’.

3. Location (Home, Studio, Outdoor):

Choosing a location is very important and it depends on the final look of photographs you would like to have.

At home, you may be the most comfortable and if you have some intimate poses in mind, this would be the ideal location. Studios can be great for certain poses or some creative concepts with props. Outdoors with lots of greenery or the ocean can make you feel like you’re the star in Hollywood’s next romantic movie. Try and ensure you don’t have bystanders staring at you though!

4. Creative Poses:

The million creative poses you can do when you’re shooting a baby bump are just amazing!

Go through blogs, Pinterest, google images to see if any pose interests you. If you have your own creative, unconventional ideas, be sure to discuss with your photographer. Depending on where you’re shooting, there are poses which work great with certain locations. Once you have zeroed in on some poses, try them out at home in front of a mirror along with your facial expressions.

5. What-To-Wear and What-Not-To-Wear:

Your outfits will play a key role in the final look of your photographs.

Choose an outfit that will accentuate your baby bump and which reflects your personality. Simple, solid colors or stripes with a body hugging fit will look wonderful. A bare baby bump also looks stunning. You can also wear a front opening shirt and unbutton the shirt around your baby bump. Alternately, a stole or a big drape revealing your baby bump also looks elegant. Wear comfortable footwear, doing a photo shoot can get tiring. Avoid wearing outfits with too much color, floral prints or checks. Avoid wearing heavy jewelry, as it will take away from the importance of the baby bump.

6. Hair And Make-Up:

Adorn a simple style for your hair and make-up.

Your hair and make-up depend on the lighting and location, but nevertheless, keep it simple. Keep it natural, with minimalistic make-up, a light foundation, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara and a natural tone lipstick. If you are doing a photo shoot at home or at the studio, you may need multiple touch-ups as lighting can get warm and make you sweat. Style your hair as naturally as possible.

7. Use Of Props:

Use of props like your baby’s first ultrasound image, cute baby shoes, a board with your baby’s name, or just balloons can be a great element in maternity photo shoots. It’s perfectly fine if you don’t have anything in mind too.

Once you have decided the props you would like to use, think of how you would like to pose with them. Discuss the use of props with your photographer, you can choose the ones best suited for different locations. Avoid using too many props in one frame.

8. Involve Family Members:

Besides taking solo pictures of you and your baby bump, involve your family for a complete experience. Don’t forget to include your pet if you have one!

You can have a theme for your family pictures or even color-coordinate your outfits. If you have an older child (or children), capture some mother child moments with them too. Also, take some romantic couple shots as well!

9. Keep It Simple:

Keep everything simple, from your outfit to location to your poses.

Maternity photographs are made special by the pure fact that you’re growing a miracle inside you. De-clutter the space you’re shooting at, especially at home or outdoors.

10. Have Fun:

Remember to have fun during your photo shoot; it will bring out the best in everyone. Don’t fret over small issues.

Keep smiling, have that beautiful twinkle in your eye and know that you’re the most beautiful mother! Ensure you have a photographer who says some encouraging words or cracks some jokes, your photographs will depict the happiness. Relax, let the photographer do his job, and you will have the most memorable photo shoot. You will look beautiful with a nice big baby bump, so go ahead and capture those wonderful moments.