Getting your children to eat their greens can be tiring. However, you could get them interested in their veggies by taking a break from your usual recipes and trying some unique vegetable recipes for toddlers. Children need wholesome meals rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins. Thus, your children will lack the required nutrients for their overall growth without vegetables. Although children may not find vegetables appetizing, you could add a twist to their boring veggies with these tasty recipes. The versatility of these recipes will not only make you excited to cook them but also satisfy your children’s hunger. So read on!

Try out these amazingly yummy and healthy vegetable recipes for toddlers that are sure to make them lick their plates clean!

1. Maple Syrup Glazed Carrots:

You can serve the dish with plain rice . Carrots are a rich source of Vitamin A, which boosts the night vision. It also contains folate, dietary fiber and natural sugar that are good for your growing tot. You Will Need:

Peeled and diced carrots Maple syrup or honey (as preferred) Water Unsalted butter Kosher salt Black pepper (optional)

How To:

Place all the ingredients in a large pan. Add water, and cover it. Cook till the carrots become tender, and the liquid reduces to a glaze.

2. Creamy Spinach:

It is a delicious twist to the green and leafy vegetable. Spinach is a rich source of iron, vitamin B6, C, E, beta-carotene, folate, potassium, magnesium and fiber. You Will Need:

Freshly chopped spinach Mushroom soup (can be prepared at home or use a can) Butter or fresh cream Garlic Salt Water

How To:

Boil the spinach and drain. In a pan, add the boiled spinach, mushroom soup, and butter. If using fresh cream, drizzle it over in the end . Add water and let it boil over medium heat. Add a little garlic. Season with cream and salt and serve.

3. Broccoli And Cheese Patties:

The delicious recipe can be a perfect snack. Eating broccoli helps prevent cancer. Its anti-inflammatory properties clean the system and help in digestion. It is also a super food to keep your little one’s heart healthy. You Will Need:

Chopped broccoli Breadcrumbs Shredded cheese Olive oil Salt

How To:

Steam the broccoli till it is tender. In a blender, add all ingredients except oil and churn well. Scoop out the mix and make small flattened balls. Heat the oil in a pan and cook until golden.

4. Tomato Avocado Cups:

The recipe combines the goodness of tomatoes with avocados. Avocados are good for the heart, have anti-inflammatory benefits, regulate blood sugar levels and prevent cancer. Tomatoes are great for cardiovascular and bone health. The tangy vegetable also helps fight cancer. You Will Need:

Cherry tomatoes Guacamole (make it by mashing the flesh of an avocado and adding salt ,white pepper, and lime juice)

How To:

Slice the cherry tomatoes and scoop it out. Fill it with guacamole.

5. Rice And Vegetable Mix:

It can be a main course meal that is full of the goodness of vegetables. You may use white quinoa in place of rice for protein-rich versions. You Will Need:

Chopped vegetables. You can include your tot’s favorite ones. Rice or white quinoa Oil Tomato sauce (puree tomatoes and cook with herbs of choice)

How To:

Take a large pot and add oil and vegetables in it. Sauté until the vegetables turn tender. Add the tomato sauce and let it cook. Now add the rice, cover, and cook. Remove from heat once rice or quinoa is cooked and serve it steaming hot.

6. Sweet Potato Pancakes:

The healthy recipe will pamper your toddler’s sweet tooth. Sweet potatoes have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and keep blood sugar in check. You Will Need:

Sweet potatoes Rolled oats Olive oil (optional) Dark molasses (optional) Vanilla extract Ground cinnamon Plain yogurt or plain greek yogurt

How To:

Pierce the sweet potatoes with a fork and microwave for about five minutes. Peel them once they cool down. Blend the oats in a food processor. Remove and keep it aside. Blend the sweet potatoes. Add the sweet potato puree, oats, and the remaining ingredients in a bowl and mix. Heat a pan on medium heat and pour the mix. Flip and cook till it turns golden.

7. Vegetable Kebabs:

Pamper your kid with these kebab sticks to make your toddler feel all grown-up. Bell peppers have anti-oxidant properties that fight cancer. Squash has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It keeps blood sugar in check and promotes overall health. Tomatoes are great for cardiovascular and bone health. It helps fight cancer too. Zucchini has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. It regulates blood sugar, is good for heart health and fights cancer. You Will Need:

Red bell pepper Yellow squash Green zucchini Cherry tomatoes cut in half Olive oil Lemon slices Salt and pepper to taste

How To:

Heat the grill. Slide the vegetables on skewers and brush them with olive oil. Sprinkle a little lemon juice and salt and pepper. Grill until the vegetables turn tender. Remove from skewer and put in toddler friendly sticks.

8. Pumpkin And Chocolate Popsicles:

The delicious delight will make your toddler ask for more. Pumpkin helps fight obesity, improves digestion, prevents constipation and has anti-oxidant properties. You Will Need: 

Pumpkins Coconut milk Honey Pumpkin pie spice Chocolate chips Melted chocolate

How To:

Add the milk, pumpkin and honey in a blender and churn. Pour this into Popsicle molds and freeze. Drizzle some melted chocolate. Add some chocolate chips and freeze again.

9. Buttered Green Beans:

It is a healthy and delicious green vegetable recipe for toddlers .Beans help prevent heart diseases and cancer. It also helps fight obesity. You Will Need:

Green beans Butter Mushrooms (optional) Kosher salt Black pepper Grounded garlic

How To:

Steam the green beans. Keep it in ice water and drain. Pat it dry and keep it aside. Melt the butter in a pan, and sauté mushrooms. Season with salt and pepper. Now add garlic and stir. Add the green beans and cook for a few minutes. Serve it hot.

10. Vegetable and Cheese Scramble:

It is a perfect breakfast recipe to give a healthy start to your toddler’s day. The health quotient of this recipe depends on all the vegetables that you add. You Will Need:

Vegetables of your toddler’s choice Butter Grated cheese Salt Pepper

How To:

In a pan, melt the butter and add vegetables. Add salt and pepper. Cook till vegetables are tender. Sprinkle cheese and cook. Stir so that the molten cheese coats the vegetables.